Why subscribe to the Medical Freedom Substack?
This Substack is dedicated to promoting medical freedom and provide daily news, videos, data, podcast breakdowns and other very important information. To me, this is much more and much bigger than just the COVID-19 pandemic. We need to start fighting the medical oligarchy around the world and bring back the individualized system of medicine, where everyone is treated uniquely. No two people are alike on this planet.
I will be posting news links and asking a lot of questions that we should be asking about these vaccines, along with all of the therapeutics. Science is always evolving and is never settled. I have the opinion that it should be a person’s choice if they want to be vaccinated or not with vaccines that have only been around for 21 months. On the Johns Hopkins Vaccine Research and Development page, “A typical vaccine development timeline takes 5 to 10 years, and sometimes longer, to assess whether the vaccine is safe and efficacious in clinical trials, complete the regulatory approval processes, and manufacture sufficient quantity of vaccine doses for widespread distribution.”
The most important part of MEDICAL FREEDOM is for a person to be well-informed and make a very thorough decision about their health.
Lastly, I am working with Mathew Crawford, who runs the successful Rounding the Earth Substack, on Operation Uplift Wristband, where you can show your Medical Freedom solidarity. My profile photo on here is what the wristband looks like with Mathew’s Substack on the other side.
If you’re interested in purchasing wristbands, please email us at operationuplift@protonmail.com.
Here are the prices, which includes shipping in the United States. You will need to pay for shipping if you live outside of the US.
10 for $10
50 for $40
100 for $60
500 for $250
It is time for us to stand up against the medical tyranny that has devastated humanity around the world for the past generation and let’s stand up for MEDICAL FREEDOM.