What a Bunch of Hypocrites
These people, who have pushed for lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates, remote learning and forced testing upon the American people for the past two and a half years are the same ones who did two things in the past 24 hours. And it is pretty coming from Fauci and Democrats.
First, American need to know the truth about Covid and its origins for what humans have gone through and what has killed nearly 6.5 million people worldwide and 1 million Americans. However, Senate Democrats in Washington don’t want the truth to be found and do not want this risky research, which had a moratorium under Obama to be stopped.
Second, the federal government had in place testing mandates at one point for their employees and contractors and they could not work if they were not tested. However, Senate Democrats were caught doing this today.
Like I have said on numerous occasions, I am only voting for Republicans in 2022 because of Fauci and the hypocrisy of the Democrats. However, Republicans need a fire up their butts to have a criminal inquiry. It was a shock that there was a hearing on Wednesday, which I very highly recommend watching with three well-established scientists regarding gain-of-function research.