I want to first thank everyone for subscribing to the Medical Freedom Substack, especially my paid subscribers. You will now be seeing a lot more posts in the coming weeks and it is time to step up big time.
A new section will be created called the Pfizer Documents. The world deserves the truth about everything related to Covid and the vaccine rollout. As someone who has in a science field for almost two decades, I completely understand that science is very difficult to understand. I will post items so that it is easier for the average person to understand. I am also doing this to organize materials, so that it is easy for some to obtain for future reference. There will be a separate section with just Dr. Naomi Wolf videos explaining the data from her team of 2500+ volunteers, who are investigating and sifting through the data with a fine tooth comb. My next piece, which will drop later tonight, will be Part One of this new series.
Furthermore, I will be bringing back my Daily News of the Day, as well as Weekly Videos and Podcasts for people to listen throughout the week. I will also continue my Asking Questions segment, like you have seen in recent months.
I will also be giving details about my health and the steps that I have done to improve it. I will also discuss the side effects that I have experienced because of living with a chronic blood disorder for as long as I have and the steps around it. Medical Freedom is more than just Covid, and it is about our overall health and living a healthy lifestyle.
Lastly, in the coming days, I am going post about the benefits for free and paid subscribers. I am very grateful to those you are paying for this subscription. I will have some additional perks for a paid Medical Freedom subscription.