Overcoming the Covid Darkness
God Bless Drs. Brian Tyson and George Fareed for their incredibly hard and tireless work in saving so many lives!!!
I have two additions to this Substack post that was written tonight by Steve Kirsch. (You can follow all of Mr. Kirsch’s fantastic work here.)
Tell everyone to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Even if you got Covid, get some sunlight for 20-30 minutes somehow.
Make sure that you get your vitamin D3 checked every six months. I have shown in the past a correlation between Covid, Covid mortality and vitamin D3 levels.
I will add a third now. BUY THIS BOOK, like I did: Overcoming the COVID-19 Darkness: How Two Doctors Successfully Treated 7000 Patients
That’s it!!!
Have a great holiday weekend to everyone!!!
Thanks for the book recommendation I will add it to my site: https://NoSearch.org , I will be working on a CovidEra books page next week, Any other book recommendations?