Fauci Announces His Retirement at the End of Biden’s Term
The American People Must Hold Him Accountable Before He Goes Off Into The Sunset
(This is an opinion piece by the author of the Medical Freedom Substack.)
Anthony Fauci made the announcement this morning that he will be retiring at the end of Joe Biden’s term as President in 2024.
Here is the original article from Politico.

Fauci thinks he can just go off in the sunset with zero repercussions, especially after admitting something last week that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. did not hold back at all on waning vaccine efficacy.

I will be the first to admit that I’m very biased in the 2022 midterms and the reason is that I want to scream very loudly to Rand Paul and the other Republican Senators to have a criminal inquiry on Fauci before he leaves. He must be held accountable for his entire career before he goes off into the sunset. This is my tweet from June 24th.

Even if he gets away with it, which sadly I expect, history is going to judge Fauci in a horrible and devastating light. I am observing more and more waking up daily around the United States and more people today think that Fauci should be arrested now than at any point in the Covid pandemic (and that number will continue to grow).
Lastly, it looks like Fauci FINALLY discussed monkeypox since then. (Oh yeah, this past weekend was the first.)
“Plotting his departure”, f’ing scumbag! I Hope he sees the DOOR OF JUSTICE before he dies! I KNOW he will after! ✨🙏✨